Unite With Trump to End Family Court Corruption


Dr. Koziol and entire team at Leon Koziol.com attend Trump rally in Albany, New York.images2

Our report of court corruption and reform was hand delivered to campaign staff.family-civil-rights-movement-20152

By Dr. Leon R. Koziol

Is there any one out there who will take solid steps to end the abuse of parents in America’s divorce and family courts? Among the presidential candidates we all know the answer, and that’s Donald Trump.

Numerous elections have come and gone over the past fifty years and yet here we are still warring over our children in these barbaric tribunals that enrich lawyers at the expense of our children.

How many parents can truly say they got a fair shake in these courts? While the scandals, bribes and misconduct become exposed, the corruption is only escalating. And most of it is overlooked unlike other branches of government.

It’s up to us to reform this system, to replace mandatory custody awards with a shared parenting framework, to rein in over billing lawyers who profit from needless orchestrated court battles, and take back our courts.

We must demand accountability and transparency through protests of diverse kinds. It’s a self regulated system we are fighting which is reaping havoc on all facets of our society. In a self governing nation like ours we have a duty to take action.

Yet no one in government today seems to care. That’s because it’s become a lucrative trillion dollar child control industry. Each year it’s getting worse. How many can truly say that they were treated fairly and respectfully in these courts, and if so, at what cost?

While we watch our rights evaporate, qualified advocates are censored to unconscionable levels. My ordeal is the classic example. Shockingly the suppression comes from the very people whose jobs are created to protect free speech, judges who prefer to fault us for the injury they inflame upon our children, families and communities.

In response to the latest court rulings designed to continue the censorship and suppression of this site, I have completed a report which exposes the corruption and charts a course of action. We have delivered it to the Trump team and will publicize it here soon.

We’ve had enough. It’s time for a war on court corruption. Please share this post, promote it and kindly make a donation for a most worthy cause. We also offer a court program to help parents avoid injustices in these courts.

All for one, and one for all.

Best regards,

Leon R. Koziol, J.D.

(315) 796-4000Source: Parents Must Unite With Trump to End Family Court Corruption | Leon Koziol.Com

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Published by

American Fathers

So you’d rather watch tournament games and go bowling than support a “We Are Fathers” campaign for justice and equality. Well that’s your choice, it’s a free country, in theory anyway. But you should know that countless lawyers, child experts and bureaucrats are cheering you on because they profit from all this apathy and a misguided sense of priorities. In America today, our government is engaged in the lucrative expansion of a child control bureaucracy that is harming our families, productivity and moral fiber as a nation. This vast public enterprise has invaded every aspect of private life, often wielding power beyond that exercised by the NSA, CIA or IRS. It is a silent and insidious trend eroding parental rights repeatedly declared by our Supreme Court to be the “oldest liberty interest” protected by the United States Constitution. This interest is shared equally by fathers and mothers. But in practice, the male half has not been accorded its rightful place among our human rights due to a profit motive in family court driven by needless custody, support and divorce contests. Census Bureau reports continue to show the gender disparities on all domestic fronts. After promoting a parental rights cause in Paris recently, I was amazed to note how a million people together with world leaders could rally in that city within days to support free speech. Meanwhile, here in the states, more than 70 million fathers have yet to mobilize after a century of widespread discrimination. Such discrimination is having harmful impacts on all aspects of society and quite likely the female population more so than its counterpart. Veterans, minorities and high profile figures are particularly vulnerable to a court system that has placed money and politics over genuine parent-child relationships. Fathers are a vital component of any social or family structure as they have been since the beginning of civilization. Unfortunately federal entitlement laws and incentive funding to the states have marginalized that role to a point of virtual extinction. This has led to educational costs, heinous crimes and moral deterioration on a vast scale corroborated by an exodus from all manner of religion. In practical terms, our taxpayers are funding the creation of social ills and then forced to pay for it on the back side with costly welfare programs. Future generations will look back one day and be amazed at how truly barbaric our domestic relations courts once were. A scheme of laws and processes derived from feudal equity doctrines has been retained which features loving parents engaged in brutal contests over their offspring in a public arena. A winner-take-all battle for custody leads to overregulation of families by the state and marginalization, alienation or outright extinction of one fit parent from the children’s lives. Anal investigations of the combatants’ backgrounds by self serving advisors incite further controversy to last a lifetime. It is a spectacle reminiscent of the Roman Coliseum. No person or entity has ever been able to achieve a comprehensive study of the vast detriment which this archaic custody and support system has had upon our society. Any such effort would assuredly be stymied because custody and unequal parenting are highly profitable. Yet common sense dictates that our nation could be well served with sweeping reforms here in our least scrutinized branch of government. We can put a man on the moon, split atoms, engage artificial intelligence and achieve vast breakthroughs in medicine but remain unable to extricate family courts from their nineteenth century practices. www.Facebook.com/AmericanFathers

18 thoughts on “Unite With Trump to End Family Court Corruption”


      Liked by 3 people

  1. For anyone reading this blog, TFRM does not, I repeat, DOES NOT endorse Donald Trump for president. We have not endorsed a presidential candidate. It is dishonest for Dr. Koziol to make a presidential endorsement using the TFRM logo. Please cease and desist using the logo on this blog.

    TFRM is an official nonprofit organization. We have not endorsed Donald Trump, and for very good reason. He has not made one statement for Family Law reform.

    In fact, when every single one of the republican presidential candidates were presented a family law reform question that was voted on by thousands, Trump didn’t even bother to answer. Other candidates at least answered the question, albeit poorly.

    He has had thousands of letters, emails, and calls to his office. Not once has he deemed it worthy of his time to address this issue.

    So, Dr Kozial, you hand delivered a report to his “campaign staff”. Good for you. It means absolutely nothing until he actually makes statements about the issue. It means nothing until he says the words “Family Law Reform”.

    Right now, this blog article is telling voters to stand with Trump, to vote for Trump. I quote, “Is there any one out there who will take solid steps to end the abuse of parents in America’s divorce and family courts? Among the presidential candidates we all know the answer, and that’s Donald Trump.”

    It is not only a lie, but it is a boldfaced lie.

    Dr Koziol, you may endorse Trump, but TFRM does not. Urge people to vote for Trump all you want, but if you’re telling people to vote for Trump in the context of Family Law Reform, you are doing so dishonestly.

    If you like Donald Trump and want to tell people to vote for him, do so without using the TFRM logo.

    Derek Gunby
    TFRM Social Media Director.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. How you going to call yourself a “Vegan” though, I have not seen you eat/live vegan?

        We’ve been helping fathers since January 2009 and we have helped TENS OF THOUSANDS.

        Thanks for your comment!!


      2. Easy . . . it’s all over youtube, Facebook, and other forms of public media.

        That sounds like a horrible rebuttal.

        Have you offered anyone legal aid?

        Serious question.

        Try actually putting thought into a reply.

        Bias is real, obviously but been fighting 6 years in this battle.

        All these groups just spout the same thing with no actual help to fathers in need.

        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EcYjrtw9Fk&t=647s <-me exposing child support.

        Channel also has me "living and eating vegan".

        I want to see "Fathers" groups offer more than words that about always fall short.

        Liked by 1 person

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