JUSTICE4CHILDREN ~ Human Rights, Justice, Civil Rights.

Fatherless Father’s Day ~ A fight for equal parental rights

The couple sent a letter to President Barack Obama on Aug. 12, 2011, detailing 23 adjustments they wanted for CPS. Some requests included ending bonuses paid to each CPS worker for a child … 

Last testament of a loving father abused by the family court system and alienated from his children

Originally posted on Women for Men: This August our 11-year-old son will begin the sixth grade at Chaminade Preparatory School in St. Louis, MO. It is an all boys Catholic schoolChris Mack… 

Whores of the Court

Judges merely redirect the dysfunction of one parent as a means to achieve an equitable settlement without regard for children. Related articles

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Fighting to preserve Parent–Child relationships to improve the lives of children and strengthen society by protecting t he child’s right to the love and care of both parents after separation/divorce. Dedicated to the proposition that children are best served by having unfettered EQUAL access to BOTH parents and to the ...proposition that fathers are indispensable. Improve the lives of children and strengthen society by protecting the child’s right to the love and care of both parents after separation or divorce. We seek better lives for children through family court reform!! It's about the human rights of children with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to the young, including their right to association with both biological parents.

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