How Many Children Won’t Be With Dad?

As Father’s Day 2016 approaches, it’s time to take stock of how many children won’t experience the joy of giving their dad a gift and the smile, hug and kiss that follows.

More than 24 million children, 1 in 3, grow up without their biological father. That’s enough children to populate New York City nearly three times.

Perhaps you wonder whether the number is still bleak when considering that so many children today live in blended or adoptive families. It’s still bleak. More than 20 million children, slightly more than 1 in 4, grow up without a biological, step or adoptive father. 

Nevertheless, there is some good news in the battle against father absence as reflected in the chart below.

Percentage of Children Living in Father-Absent Homes: 1960 – 2014stat-chart.jpg

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of children in the U.S. living without a dad began to soar in 1960. It rose unabated until 1995 when it suddenly hit the skids—sort of. For every five-year period from 1960 to 1995, the percentage rose. Since then, it has fallen and risen like clockwork. The result is a hold-steady pattern of 27.5 percent.

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