Family Court Predators

Men and boys urgently need an equal voice representing their interests. We ask the government to act now to ensure men and boys receive the support they deserve and need.

Writ as a parent and victim of retributions by our divorce and family courts

Join Supreme Court Petition for Shared Parenting and Judicial Accountability

Welcome to Leon Koziol.Com

By Dr. Leon R. Koziol of the Parenting Rights Institute

I am proposing an extraordinary writ from the Supreme Court to hear its first ever shared parenting case mandated by the Constitution and proper accountability for the routine violations of basic rights in our nation’s divorce and family courts.

Unlike the standard petitions for writ under Rule 14 of the Supreme Court, I will be filing under Rule 2o. It is a rarely used form of petition “in aid of the court’s jurisdiction.”

In this case I am maintaining that undue obstacles put in the way of parents in our federal and state domestic courts ultimately impair access to our high court contrary to due process and Article III of the Constitution.

I will file for this writ as a parent and victim of retributions by our divorce and family courts but only if a sufficient number join.

You don’t have to be a litigant or victimized parent but you must have incurred some kind of harm from this system to justify your participation.

You can do so at no charge although we rely on donations or purchases by clicking here.

You will join as a separate petitioner and not as a party represented by me. I am not acting as a legal advisor. This is a bold and timely petition seeking greater access for parents before our high court.I will ask that a Special Master be appointed to investigate an epidemic in these courts with hearings held around the country should the Court accept this petition.

I will be publishing a series of posts here at to explain the content and objectives over the next few weeks.

If a sufficient number of parents or court victims join, I will prepare the petition for viewing. You can retain counsel if you like and a period will be set aside from the time of publication here for you to withdraw your participation in the event you disapprove of any aspect of that completed petition. You can also offer input or modifications but keep in  mind that I have little assistance and resources. My time is better spent here and your time can be ideally applied to viral assistance, recruitment and donations.

The tentative issues follow:

Continue reading Writ as a parent and victim of retributions by our divorce and family courts

An Example of an Anti-Father’s Rights, Liberal Moron!

If You Support Men’s and Father’s For Equal Parental Rights, You Have to Vote for Cara Nicole, Not Juan Mendez! Why? Because Juan Mendez, An Example of an Anti-Father’s Rights, Liberal Moron!  – Men’s Rights Group of AZ

If you think Juan Mendez is a complete fool, moron and just unfit to hold public office your not the only one!

In fact, according to the American’s for Parental Equality and men’s rights advocates, you could be right!

Many men’s and father’s rights activist have long held the opinion that Juan Mendez has single-handedly  worked against legislation to change bias family court laws. This opinion appears to be true in recent public statements Juan Mendez has made.

Juan Mendez was recently asked,

“What do you plan to do to bring equality to fathers being denied rights to their children in family court when there is no domestic violence or criminal history?”

Juan Mendez looked a little shocked by the question and even asked for it to be repeated so he could compose himself. Then, the idiot (in our opinion) spilled his feminist guts.

At least from his statements…

Mendez openly plans to keep denying father’s rights to their biological children.

A Facebook video of this moron has now reached 34 thousand views of how Mendez side-stepped the entire question while throwing a bone to his liberal-feminist allies.

Source: Juan Mendez, An Example of an Anti-Father’s Rights, Liberal Moron! – Men’s Rights Group of AZ

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How Many Children Won’t Be With Dad?

As Father’s Day 2016 approaches, it’s time to take stock of how many children won’t experience the joy of giving their dad a gift and the smile, hug and kiss that follows.

More than 24 million children, 1 in 3, grow up without their biological father. That’s enough children to populate New York City nearly three times.

Perhaps you wonder whether the number is still bleak when considering that so many children today live in blended or adoptive families. It’s still bleak. More than 20 million children, slightly more than 1 in 4, grow up without a biological, step or adoptive father. 

Nevertheless, there is some good news in the battle against father absence as reflected in the chart below.

Percentage of Children Living in Father-Absent Homes: 1960 – 2014stat-chart.jpg

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of children in the U.S. living without a dad began to soar in 1960. It rose unabated until 1995 when it suddenly hit the skids—sort of. For every five-year period from 1960 to 1995, the percentage rose. Since then, it has fallen and risen like clockwork. The result is a hold-steady pattern of 27.5 percent.

Continue reading How Many Children Won’t Be With Dad?

Every major social pathology has been linked to Fatherless Children

WE LOVE DADDY“Virtually every major social pathology has been linked to fatherless children: violent crime, drug and alcohol abuse, truancy, unwed pregnancy, suicide, and psychological disorders – all correlating more strongly with fatherlessness than with any other single factor, surpassing even race and poverty. The majority of prisoners, juvenile detention inmates, high school dropouts, pregnant teenagers, adolescent murderers, and rapists come from fatherless homes. Father ImportanceChildren born from affluent but broken families are much more likely to get into trouble than children from poor but intact ones, and white children from separated families are at higher risk than black children in intact families. … Marshalling federal agencies to “promote” something as private and personal as a parent’s relationship with his own children raises questions. The assumption that the government has a legitimate role in ameliorating the problem of fatherlessness also glides quickly over the more fundamental question of whether the government has had a role in creating the problem. What we see in the “fatherlessness crisis” may be an optical illusion. What many are led to believe is a social problem may in reality be an exercise of power by the state.”Independence Review, vol VIII, n 4, Spring 2004, at pp 485-486.

Parental Advocate, Dr. Leon Koziol, to Meet with Agents and Supporters in Nashville.

Do fathers matter any more in this country? It’s a growing question haunting policy makers in our nation’s divorce and family courts.

Politicians accustomed to appeasing women’s rights activists have made it expedient to abuse fathers for votes without any regard for its long term consequences. As a result, stigmatized fathers are surrendering to the stereotypes and abandoning their rightful roles as natural parents. It is a silent and insidious trend harming families, children and our society.

We all have some recognition of the injustices in these courts, but do we really know the severity of their consequences? The insidious harm is supported by numerous studies over the past three decades which show that father discrimination is at the root of today’s unprecedented social problems. After an exhaustive review of such studies in an article entitled, “Is There Really a Fatherhood Crisis,” Professor Stephen Baskerville places the blame on government itself:

Continue reading Every major social pathology has been linked to Fatherless Children