Your children and future generations are counting on you to take action now!

An Urgent Call to Action: Let’s Make America Great Again! | Leon Koziol.ComA Plea To The Trump Campaign

Administrator’s Note: In yesterday’s post we introduced you to Moms and Dads for Trump or MAD for Trump, a new political action group that has been well received over the past 24 hours.  Today, we are calling upon visitors to LeonKoziol.Com for your help!

For years now, you knew there was something wrong with the system. Like many parents, you may have even doubted yourself. Until now, the pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together. The chickens are coming home to roost. It’s no longer a secret what’s happening all around us. The parallels between what both Mr. Koziol and Mr. Trump have said, are virtually identical. Unfortunately, the retaliation and the attacks by the establishment for exposing the truth have also come with a hefty price tag for both gentleman.

As the 2016 presidential election cycle unfolds, it should be no surprise that Mr. Trump’s message of exposing corruption is no different than what Mr. Koziol and many parents alike have been saying all along about our nation’s domestic relations courts here in America. Our government is operating under the collectivist notion that parents no longer have a right to parent their offspring – but rather, our children belong to the state and it’s your obligation to finance such a scheme or risk going to jail.

Folks, this is serious business. Therefore, we are asking you to copy the following letter, sign it and mail it to the Trump campaign at your earliest convenience.

Your children and future generations are counting on you to take action now! Unlike other movements, we are not advocating violence, riots or political disruption.  All we are asking for, is to be treated with respect by our government.

Only one candidate has the potential to bring about meaningful reform for both parents and children. That candidate is Donald Trump. Let’s help put Mr. Koziol in touch with his campaign and do our part to make America great again!

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March 20, 2016

Trump Campaign Headquarters
725 5th Ave. – 5th Floor
New York, NY 10022

Dear Trump Campaign Representative:

I’d like to bring to your attention the name of an individual with many Trump-like similarities who was once described by the Upstate New York media as a “prominent attorney” when he first ran for congress in 2006.

He has previously appeared in the New York Times, on the news program, “60 Minutes” with Morley Safer and on CNN. His name is Leon Koziol, and like Mr. Trump, he too has come under attack by the establishment ever since he first began publicly speaking out against and exposing judicial corruption within our third branch of government. Specifically, in matters relating to the destruction of the traditional family unit in our nation’s domestic relations courts, where otherwise cooperating and unsuspecting parents are routinely forced to fight for their offspring in a barbaric process known as a “custody battle.”

The net result of these proceedings has amounted to a substantial loss of productivity in America, countless suicides, derailed plans for your children’s future – a perfect recipe for a homeland security nightmare as the ominous signs continue to be ignored. Meanwhile, the lawyers, judges, forensic experts and other occupants of Hillary Clinton’s politically correct Utopian village, comprised of the far left, establishment right, United Nations and mainstream news media, continue to play along with this charade while ensuring themselves both profits and job security within “the system” all the while parents and children suffer. At the same time, this self-serving cast of misfit characters are quick to use their political powers to quell any dissent that dares to undermine their precious egos or question their authority. After all, this is America, and “stuff” like this is only supposed to happen in third world countries – so we’re told anyways!

Any attempt to publicly expose, organize, create awareness and remedy such an insidious agenda, immediately results in the discrediting or “killing of the messenger,”for the purpose preventing any sort of populous uprising. As such, and in the instance of Mr. Koziol, he has experienced a similar fate and mounting losses, nothing short of horrific, including his ability to practice law, protracted denials for reinstatement, an onslaught of character assignation attempts as well as the undeserved deprivation of his children after almost 10 long years of needless court controversies, despite the fact that he has NEVER been charged with or committed a single crime. Perhaps, the only thing that Mr. Koziol is guilty of, is standing up to this very same the system, which has not only financially bankrupted him, but demonized, vilified and denied him any sense of credibility in the public eye. However, given all of these obstacles, much Like Mr. Trump, he’s still standing and not taking a back seat to his countless adversaries.

Afters surviving a recent gag order and numerous attempts to suppress his First Amendment rights, Mr. Koziol continues to operate a website under the constant threat of incarceration, called LeonKoziol.Com. He has earned both a national and global following for his tireless efforts to stand up for the little guy. I firmly believe that he would be a valuable asset to the Trump campaign given his successful civil rights background. Furthermore, I also believe that he would be a strong point of contact for your Upstate New York and national organizing efforts.

Therefore, I strongly encourage you reach out to Mr. Koziol in an effort to connect with another like-minded individual who exemplifies the Trump spirit and has the same desire and willingness to make America great again! Mr. Koziol can be reached at (315) 796-4000.


John Q. Public

Please help get the message out:

A Plea To The Trump Campaign Administrator’s Note: In yesterday’s post we introduced you to Moms and Dads for Trump or MAD for Trump, a new political action group that has been well rec…

Source: An Urgent Call to Action: Let’s Make America Great Again! | Leon Koziol.Com

Published by

American Fathers

So you’d rather watch tournament games and go bowling than support a “We Are Fathers” campaign for justice and equality. Well that’s your choice, it’s a free country, in theory anyway. But you should know that countless lawyers, child experts and bureaucrats are cheering you on because they profit from all this apathy and a misguided sense of priorities. In America today, our government is engaged in the lucrative expansion of a child control bureaucracy that is harming our families, productivity and moral fiber as a nation. This vast public enterprise has invaded every aspect of private life, often wielding power beyond that exercised by the NSA, CIA or IRS. It is a silent and insidious trend eroding parental rights repeatedly declared by our Supreme Court to be the “oldest liberty interest” protected by the United States Constitution. This interest is shared equally by fathers and mothers. But in practice, the male half has not been accorded its rightful place among our human rights due to a profit motive in family court driven by needless custody, support and divorce contests. Census Bureau reports continue to show the gender disparities on all domestic fronts. After promoting a parental rights cause in Paris recently, I was amazed to note how a million people together with world leaders could rally in that city within days to support free speech. Meanwhile, here in the states, more than 70 million fathers have yet to mobilize after a century of widespread discrimination. Such discrimination is having harmful impacts on all aspects of society and quite likely the female population more so than its counterpart. Veterans, minorities and high profile figures are particularly vulnerable to a court system that has placed money and politics over genuine parent-child relationships. Fathers are a vital component of any social or family structure as they have been since the beginning of civilization. Unfortunately federal entitlement laws and incentive funding to the states have marginalized that role to a point of virtual extinction. This has led to educational costs, heinous crimes and moral deterioration on a vast scale corroborated by an exodus from all manner of religion. In practical terms, our taxpayers are funding the creation of social ills and then forced to pay for it on the back side with costly welfare programs. Future generations will look back one day and be amazed at how truly barbaric our domestic relations courts once were. A scheme of laws and processes derived from feudal equity doctrines has been retained which features loving parents engaged in brutal contests over their offspring in a public arena. A winner-take-all battle for custody leads to overregulation of families by the state and marginalization, alienation or outright extinction of one fit parent from the children’s lives. Anal investigations of the combatants’ backgrounds by self serving advisors incite further controversy to last a lifetime. It is a spectacle reminiscent of the Roman Coliseum. No person or entity has ever been able to achieve a comprehensive study of the vast detriment which this archaic custody and support system has had upon our society. Any such effort would assuredly be stymied because custody and unequal parenting are highly profitable. Yet common sense dictates that our nation could be well served with sweeping reforms here in our least scrutinized branch of government. We can put a man on the moon, split atoms, engage artificial intelligence and achieve vast breakthroughs in medicine but remain unable to extricate family courts from their nineteenth century practices.